Changslog * Some performance improvements һЩ��Ϸ���ܵĸĽ� * You can no longer attack items you do not own if they are in the fountain area �㲻����Ȫˮ�������������������Ʒ * Fixed some very rare memory corruption bugs that could cause random abilities/items to malfunction or result in a fatal error ������һЩ�������ڴ�����ܵ���random ����/��Ʒ����ʧ�������ߵ����ش�����Bug * Added a new subtle cooldown effect to make it a little clearer when spells are in cooldown and when they finish. This is mainly for long cooldown spells where it is sometimes difficult to tell. More work will be done in this area soon, but it needs a bit more time to make sure that anything extra is not visually intrusive. (PGRu-Unexpect3D) Ϊ��Ʒ�����ܵ���ȴʱ��������һ���µ��Ӿ�Ч���� * Improved Surge duration from 2/3.5/5/6.5 to 3/4.5/6/7.5 seconds �����˱��ڵij���ʱ�䣬��2/3.5/5/6.5��3/4.5/6/7.5�� * Improved Antimage's Strength by 2 points ���з�ʦ�ij�ʼ����ֵ����2 * Reworked Enigma's Conversion (see details below) ��д�����ŵ�ת�� * Fixed a bug with Towers AI not defending heroes properly ������һ������������ȷ�Ĺ���Ӣ�۵�Bug * Reduced Ironwood Branch cost from 57 to 53 gold ����֦�۸͵�53 * Increased Blademail duration from 4 to 5 seconds �мļ�̳���ʱ�����ӵ�5�� * Improved Chaos Knight's cast point �Ľ�������ʿ��ʩ���� * Added an experimental mode to be -er (-ExperimentalRunes) (see details below) ������һ���µ�ģʽ-er * Increased model size of hexed units a bit �����˱��ͷ���������λ��ģ�� * Fixed some minor technical issues with Mask of Madness �����˷����ߵ�һЩϸС�ļ��������� * Increased Curse of the Silent AOE and reduced cooldown slightly �����˾�Ĭ��������÷�Χ������������ȴʱ�� * Decreased Powershot cooldown from 12 to 9 seconds ǿ������ȴʱ�併����9�� * Decreased Lightning Storm cooldown from 7 to 6 seconds ����籩����ȴʱ�併����6�� * Fixed Acid Spray from affecting Tombstone Zombies ����������������Ĺ���ٻ����Ľ�ʬ * Spectral Dagger no longer gives vision �Ĺ�֮�в����ṩ��Ұ * Rebalanced Necrolyte's Heartstopper from 250/500/750/1000 AOE with 1% drain to 700/800/900/1000 AOE with 0.5/0.75/1/1.25% drain ���Ĺ���÷�Χ��Ϊ700/800/900/1000 �˺���Ϊ0.5/0.75/1/1.25%�������ֵÿ�� * Increased Fury Swipes buff duration from 3 to 5 seconds ŭ����������ʱ��������5�� * Fixed an issue with unit selection when respawning with Aegis while controlling other units �����˵�Ӣ��Я������֮�ػ�����ʱ����������λ�ĵ�λѡ������⣬ * When a player leaves, the state of his inventory is now recorded in the replay for easier parsing (Same 8_# acti) ��Ϸ��������뿪ʱ��������Ʒ�嵥��¼�ᱣ����¼���У�������ҷ����� * Improved Venomous Gales visual effect (264682) �Ľ����������Ӿ�Ч�� * Fixed some bugs when using -switch with Meepo ������һ��������ز�ʦʹ��-switch����ʱ���ֵ�bug * Switch no longer works when only 1 person agrees in a 1v1 situation Switch�������ڲ���������ֻ��һ�����ͬ���1V1������ * Fixed Zombies continuing to spawn when the game is over �����˵���Ϸ����ʱĹ����Ȼ�ٻ���ʬ��bug * Fixed Eidolon Acquire range and reduced collision size a bit �����˾�����������С��Χ����������ײ��� * Fixed -switch with frozen leaver heroes ������-switch������������ҵ�bug * Abaddon now uses the Death Knight model instead of the Evil Arthas one (practically the same, but commonly requested) ������ʿ����ʹ���˶�ս�������ģ���� * You now have vision over the area you cast Blackhole in (260562) ���������ͷźڶ���ʱ���ӵ�и����������Ұ * Fixed Aegis dropping when using -switch ������ʹ��-switch�������֮�ػ������bug * Ball Lightning now gives a proper error message when casting without the required mana ����û���㹻��ħ��ʱʹ����״���磬ϵͳ���������ʾ * Fixed allied hero visibility when using -switch in -ah mode ������һ�����ѷ�Ӣ��ʹ��-switch �� -ah�����Ӣ����Ұ������ * When players swap heroes, the new player/heroid data for replay parsers are updated ����ҽ���Ӣ��֮���µ����/Ӣ�����ݽ�����¼���и��� * Changed the model on Eidol and adjusted the scales a bit �����˾������ģ�Ͳ��ҵ�����ģ�ͱ��� * Fixed some issues with Blackhole's silence mechanism when applied to magic immune units �����˹��ںڶ�������ħ�����ߵ�λʱ���ܽ�ħ��bug * Fixed scoreboard player names when a player switches with a leaver ���������������ʹ��switch����ʱ���Ƿְ�����ҵ����������� Demonic Conversion: ���ŵĶ�ħת���������������ϸ��Ϣ���� ===================== Splits any non-hero unit into three Eidol, killing the targeted unit. Eidolon's can duplicate themselves once whenever they attack 6 times. ���κεķ�Ӣ�۵�λ˺��(����ɱ��)��3��С���� С���Ź�����6�κ�ͷ����Լ�һ��...==>����������С��������... Lesser Eidolon/Eidolon/Greater Eidolon/Dire Eidolon (Same as before) Cooldown: 35 Manacost: 170 Notes: It cannot target Level 5+ Neutral Creeps ����ת��5�����ϵ�����Ұ�� Experimental Runesʵ������� ==================== This temporary mode changes the rune system to a more experimental one. I will be changing how -er works from version to version to try out different ideas. I don't plan on any one version of the new runes to replace the current system directly, so do not panic Well Instead, it will be used as something to create discussion, spark ideas, find flaws and playtest different concepts over time. �ϻ�һ��ѣ����˵�ˣ�����ı����ڵ����ϵͳ����������ۣ��Ժ����ٸġ� How -er works for this version: Runes spawn simultaneously on both sides at 3 minute intervals (instead of 2). Again I have no plans to make this permanant. ��˵����û�ƻ���ô�����ģʽ�� Notes: I wanted to release this sooner rather than later because of some important code fixes. I am planning on finishing the traditional .x9 quest for v6.59b (along with some more balance tweaks) and then followed by TC in 6.60 if everythings work out right. ��֮������ô���6.59����ΪһЩ��Ҫ�Ĵ�������. �����ƻ�Ϊ6.59b����Щ����(����ƽ�ⷽ���)Ȼ�����һ����������6.60 �����һ��WatLerkLingL�ijɹ�