���۳��Σ�OMGս�� vs ����ս��������鿴��OMG���������Ƶ��������
Insec Nocturne starts: build full armor vs double Ap. That's some Shooking shit over here.
- �ѽ�ǹ��۵������ѿ���һ�У�����insec���ʵķ��Ĵ���ɣ�����˫AP�������������ʲô����
They just wanted to camp uzi today haha.
- �����������������Ӯ���������ǻ�ɱuzi...
Call me nazi or whatever, but i'm actually happy that the team that didn't sign any koreans is doing well.
- ���������ô����ʲô"��.��.��.��"֮��ģ��Ҿ��Ǿ�����Щû�к�����Ԯ�Ķ�������ð���
OMG: Be a good boy and we'll let you play vayne.
Uzi: Woof! wags tail
- OMG����ԹԵģ����Ǿ�����ѡVN
- С����������(ҡβ��)
11-0-14 for Cool this series. Nothing else to say.
- �ⳡBO2��״̬11ɱ0��14��������ûʲô��˵�ģ�LOLж�أ���Ҫ�ؼ�
Rip Xiyang
- ����Ϧ��������ͷ֮����
In the first game, the Chinese stream jumped to InSec's huge grin after the gank on botlane where SHRC traded three for two.
'[ALL] InSec (Rengar): got uzi #worth'
- ��һ�����й�ֱ��������gank��·��insecһ������д����һ����ս����3��2��Ȼ�����ϳ�����
[������]insec(Rengar): uzi���ˣ�ֵ�ˣ�
Kass LB combo is so fucking annoying...
- ����������������ɧ��������Ƕ��İ�...�������������Ѫ
Holy shit, Cool was amazing, 0 deaths in both games. His lb is pretty beast.
- ����������״̬û������̫���˰�����������������
I think OMG will win worlds.
- �Ҿ���OMG����S5�ھ��ˡ�
I would love OMG to win the final vs SKT in a way.
- �ڴ� S5����OMG vs SKT��
���۳��Σ�EDGս�� vs Snakeս��������鿴��EDG����Snake��Ƶ��������
You trying to escape my hooks? Oh you hElla won't.
- ���ӳ��ҵ�ħ�ƣ�Ŷ���Ҵ�ella�Ĺ�����ô���Ӧ����
If you haven't watched Snake play, THEY ARE THE REAL DEAL. Holy shit.
- �����û����snake�ı����������ң����˫�����黥���ӱ꣬�����ô��������һ�㶼�������
why? sry i dont knwo them, what is their strength? i thought they had inferior koreans compared to others (kakao, dandy, deft etc) so are the chinese players very good? do you think they are better than omg?
- Ϊʲô�����Ҹ�����֪��������һ֧���鰡��������ôͻȻ��ô�ţ���֪�������к�����Ԯ����Ȼ����kakao, dandy, deft֪���ȸߣ���ô˵�����ǹ���ѡ��Ҳ�dz�ţ�ƶ������������ӿ��������snake���OMGǿô����
Flandre is just fantastic. Those rumble ults in game 1... Also Beast living up to his name.
- snake�ϵ�̫�����ˣ���һ������������ȫ������ս�ո�������Ǵ�ҰҲȷʵ������IDһ����Ұ�ް�Ĵ�����
And he hasn't played any of his big main champions yet. I hope we get to see his yasuo, fizz and Gnar soon
- ����ûչ��������Ӣ�۳ذ�����ϣ�����������ϵ����������ˣ��ɶ���
I love how easy Flandre is with his ults and TPs. I've never seen a player use them so casually and get so much in return.
- ���Լ��ܵ�ʹ�úʹ����õ�¯���࣬�Ҵ���û����һ���ϵ��������ô6
Beast liTERAlly like 1v3ed in every single late game fights in game2, especially he even killed ezreal without dying in the last fight, Impressive!
- Beast�ڶ��ѵ��ھ�����ں��ڶ���3�˹�����ǿɱEZ����ֶ�ȥ����ع����������Ҵ�������
Did you see the baron replay? He stopped the entire edg from finishing baron and escaped alive! Such a great play!
- ������ս�㿴����������ס��EDG�����Ľ��࣬Ȼ���Ѫ�ܿ��ˣ�ΪSNAKE��սʤ���춨��������ֱnice����
Snake are so fun to watch, they always go so ham.
- snake���������й����������ǿ��������Ž���
Can anyone tell me a bit of the background of these awesome players? They played so well today. Congrats are really in order!
- snake��Ȼ2:0����ܳ�ⲻ����������
- ˭�ܸ��ҽ���һ��snake��Աô�����ǽ����úð�������ϲ��������ʤ��
Flandre: 16 years old, star player of the team. Extremely large toplane champion pool, including AD LeBlanc, Fizz and Yasuo.
Ella+Beast: Korean players from NLB teams. Everyone expected them to be bad, but so far they have shown maybe improvements.
- Flandre: 16�����꣬�Ŷ�֮�ǣ��ϵ�Ӣ�۳�����ף�����6�IJ��е�AD���������˺�����
- Ella+Beast: ���Ժ�����������NLB����Ҷ�����������LPL���Ǵ��ͣ�û�뵽�����Ǵ�������
Snake's 2 Korean players are so good.
especially Beast
- snake2��������Ԯ���ĺ�ǿ
- �ر���Beast
The Snake hypetrain continues!
- 6��ʤ������ͣ��������
Flandre really showed up at the baron fight to save Snake when kRYSTAL was assassinated. Well deserved QuadraKill!
- �����ţ���ʹ�ڼ���ADC���������£�Flandre�����������ɱ���dz����ʵ���ɱ��
Man to just win one game against EDG would be good...to completely dominate in the whole set is unreal!
- EDG����˵��������ս�����2������ѹ����ս���ֱ�������̫����ʵ�ˣ�
wish we could see the player cams and reactions after Snake's victory, really well deserved from what most people thought were huge underdogs
- ��ϣ���ܿ���SNAKE����EDG���ǻ�ϲ�ı��飬����EDG�Ƿdz�ֵ����ף�����飬�ر�����ǰ��Ҷ���Ϊsnake�Dz˼�������ʤ���������˶���
wtf pawn and deft lost? i need the vod on this.
- С�ֺ����ն����䣿��Ҫ���һ�£��Ȼ�����~
The Thresh hooks are too real.
That last one on the Jax mid jump was insane
- ��ʯ�Ĺ�̫ţ���ˣ�������
- ����Ǵι����ֿ�˹��ֱ������
Man I can see why these guys were so hyped. Soooo much fun to watch vs the LCK.
- LPL����̫�����ˣ����֮��LCK���˻����˯����
Not to mention Ella is a solid support, the whole team is shaping up very well, I am impressed with them.
- ella�ĸ������ö�˵��������֧����ĥ�ϵĺܺð����Һ��ڴ����ǽ������ı�����
Snake is similar to SSW during worlds. Play-makers at every position, know when and how to press their lead, play with a deficit, and overall excellent teamwork. It's still early but I think they are a real threat out of the LPL. They face OMG next week and I think it'll be 1-1 at the least, and that's saying a lot because OMG looks really strong right now.
- ���ڵ�snake�е���S4�ܾ�����ʱ���SSW��ÿ���㶼��ǿ��ûʲô���Ե����㣬���Ƕ�����ΰ���һ�������������Ϊʤ�ƣ��Ŷӵ�Ĭ���̶ȸߵ���������Ȼ��������֮���磬�����Ҿ���snake�Ѿ���Ϊ��һ֧��LPLǿ�����㹻��в�Ķ����ˣ�û���˸����������ˡ�������OMG��һս���ٴ��1:1����ʹ����OMGҲǿ�Ŀ�����
To be honest, I think leaving Rek'Sai open was the bigger mistake.
- ��ʵ˵���ڶ������������ھ��Ҳ������
The SKT T1 of China...
- ���SKT
so do they have koreans on their team?
- ���Ƕ����а�����
their jg and sup are Koreans
- ���ǵĴ�Ұ�������Ǻ�����
Deft's positioning was horrendous on that Ez.
- Deft��EZ����λ��ֱ���ˣ��δζ��������е���סһ�״���
before today, no one know who Snake was. Wow
- ����֮ǰ��û�˻�֪��snake��ֻLPL���飬��Ŷ��
���۳��Σ�IGս�� vs EPս��������鿴��IG����EP��Ƶ��������
KaKao was a involved every kill on their team except one across both games, 97.5% Kill participation.
- ����������KAKAO�Ļ�ɱ�������97.5%��ֻ��һ�λ�ɱ��������
Kakao's cataclysm in game two that blocked the thresh lantern was pretty sick!
- �ڶ���kakao���Ӹ�����ֹ���洸ʯ��������Ҳ������
Game 2 MVP: the big minion.
- �ڶ���MVP����������
Don't really follow LPL too much. How does kid rank in terms of adcs in the LPL? He was putting on a clinic.
- ����ô��LPL�ģ�С����ADCˮƽ��LPL����ʲôˮƽ�����о�����ĺܺð�
Kinda underrated but he has amazing mechanics. Could be top 4 with this team.
- С����ADCһֱ���˺��ӵģ���ʵ����Ļ��Dz���ģ�ǰ�ĵ�ˮƽ��
before uzi came alone, LPL adc was all about Weixiao vs Kid rivalry.
- uzi��û��ճ�����ʱ��LPL��ֻ��Ц��С����ADC�ܿ�
Why doesn't save play more? He seems to be way better than pokemon, and Zzitai is not that much of a downgrade to rookie
- �Ҵ�save��ô���ϲ��˳�������pokemonҪ�ö��˰ɣ��Ҵ���̬Ҳ����rookie���
put Zztai top, problem solved. He plays everything.
- ��̬ȥ���ϵ��ɣ�����ȫ��ѡ��Ҳ~�����ͽ������
Zz1tai is shit, and save cannot carry him. Pokemon is Okay and Rookie can carry him. Is that clear?
- ��̬�������ģ�save����������������rookie������Pokemon�����������
Banner of Command and baron buff = op boys!
- ����֮��+����buff = �й��Ǵ��ܳ���������
IG so good.
- IG����̫�����˰���
man those azir mechanics from rookie are INSANE !
- rookie������ʱ�����ı�ը��
Rookie's Azir is without doubt the best Azir that has been played in a competitive match.
- rookie�Ļƽ��Ƥ��Ӧ�����Ҽ�������ǿ�Ĵ�Ƥ���ˣ����Ѽ���ϵ»����������
���۳��Σ�WEս�� vs M3ս��������鿴��WE����M3��Ƶ��������
You get a 2|0, and you get a 2|0 everybody gets a 2|0!
- ��Ҳ2:0����Ҳ2:0����Ҷ��Ǵ�Ů������������
Never thought I'd be saying this but WE look like a bottom 3 team...
- ����ʺ��δ�����ǣ�WE�������ǵ��3֧����֮һ��...
RIP WeiXiao. :(
- ��ʮ������Ц
the only good player is spirit, ninja and styz are utter garbage, and aluka and conan are still below average
- ֻ��spiritһ���ڿ��֧�ţ�styz��ninja���Ĵ������������aluka��conan������LPL����ˮƽ��֮�µ�ѡ����
Poor Aluka, alone on top with 0 death just to see his team hard feeding
- ������aluka����ûɱ��һ���ˣ��������Ŀ�WE��Ű
Candy carried this team to victory!!!!
Ahh, these two teams looked a bit poor. But candy>>>>styz.
- candy����M3����ʤ����
- ��ʹM3��WE���������е�ʵ�����ã�����candy��styzǿ��һ�����漶��������
Man dade so proficient on yasuo...
- �����һ�����治�Ǹǵģ�6�IJ�Ҫ��Ҫ��...
Isn't WE going to the IEM championship? Their plays were very questionable.
- WE����ҪȥIEM�����ܾ����������������dz���~