��Ϣ���й�ս��Beyond our Cyber��ŷ��ս��Incredible Panic�ոս��������������������һֱŷ��ս��Because We Care����µĺ��������ӽ���������Bwc!BoC����ԭiP������ѡ��BoC.Moonfans��BoC.uhenҲ������BoCһ���뿪iP��
BoC.7Night��BoC�ӳ����� �����룺SkyForeverKing|Tatazu.com�� ���ȣ�����Ҫ��iPս��˵����Ǹ�� �����ҳ���������http://proplay.ru/news/14407/�����ǵ�֪IP.WC3������Ҫ�й�ѡ���ˣ�����Ҳ������ uhen��Moonfans������iP��BoC�ĺ���Ҳ���˽�����uhen��Moonfans����ѡ�����뿪iP�ص���BoC����ܲ�����������ŷ�ķ�չ�� ��������ͬʱ����һ֧ս�ӵ���Ӷ�BoC��������Ȥ�����˺ܺã����ǽ����ĺ���졣�Ǿ����Ѿ�ӵ��Goblin��BWCս�ӡ�BWC����Ӽ����й���ħ����Ȼ�����桢�й�ѡ�ֶ��������棬�������������BoC�Ķ�Ա�����������BoCս�Ӻ����� �������Ǵ���˹�ʶ��BoC�����BWCս�ӵ��й��ֲ���BWC��Ȩ��BoC���κ�һ����ԱΪ������ս�������������DZ���Ҫ��Bwc!BoC��Ϊ���ǵĶӱꣻBoCҲ��Ȩ�����̲���ͻ���������BWC��ѡ����Ϊ����BoC��ս�� ϣ�������ܳ�Ϊһ�����ǡ�GG��GL�� ԭ�ģ� First, we feel sorry forIp.wc3. From this web Newshttp://proplay.ru/news/14407/, we can make sure that IP.WC3 will no longer use Chinese players recently, include Moonfans and bosuhe. So the cooperation between IP andBoC have to end up. Moonfans and Bosuhe,what they choose is to leave IP and go back to BoC. It is really a bad News for our development in europe�� But at the same time ,another team manager show his interest to BoC. He is a kind man we have made a pleasant conversation. It is Team ofBWC manager who had got a good Chinese player GobLin ,he feel Chinese war3 is still alive and Chinese player is so energetic that he want to make a new cooperation with BoC.Not only for Chinese player,but also Chinese war3 market. So we make a deal,BoC will become the chinese war3 part of BWC. BWC can use all of the players in BoC and when they join the match in BWC,they should useBwc!BoCbefore their ID. also, BoC can use the player of BWC,when match is not in clash. wish it will become a new star. Good Game. Good Luck! |