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I'm new and a bit late to the gaem but I think I've researched as much as I can on the skill trees. From what I gather skills can have up to five points in them and five points is required in a tier to advance downward. (most of this information came from blizzcast 8) I read a post by bashiok saying that it isn't final, itteration, that customization is a big part of the game and they won't stop adding it.So I think he did a good job of covering all possible exits. :P
My question, or rather observation, is that the requirement to spend 5 skill points to advance down a new tier doesn't actually allow for that much customization. It also makes people focus on specific trees as a whole (because theyre investing their points) instead of being able to mix and match. So you may have trees 1, 2, and 3. In the end there are only so many potential builds you can get out of this.
1, with some of 2
2, with some of 1
2, with some of 3
etc etc
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We're assuming that you get one skill point per level, with 99 levels you could pretty much reach the bottom of each tree by the end of the game. But that's spending in a very linear fashion. Only spending enough points to max out one skill from each tier. It's unlikely those would be optimal builds whatsoever. If they are, that's a separate problem. But more than likely the "X with some of Y" I proposed above is more likely.
So, I'm curious, is this lack of customization something anyone else is worried about? I don't doubt they understand how these things work, and it's not done, but it just stucked out to me I guess as a problem.