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"TIP001","Click on loot to pick it up. \nItems dropped by monsters or chests are not visible to other players."
"TIP002","Join a game with other random players by selecting an unlocked quest in the Public Games menu."
"TIP003","Stay close! Monsters will become stronger when more players join the game. "
"TIP004","Invite friends to join a game by pressing the Invite button next to their names in the Social menu."
"TIP005","If your friends are already in a game when you invite them, then you can join their game instead of starting a new one."
"TIP006","Choose Quest Selection on the Main Menu to start a game from any unlocked quest step."
"TIP007","Equip followers with new weapons and abilities as they level up."
"TIP008","A player��s shared stash, artisan levels, recipes, and gold are available to all characters on the account."
"TIP009","Players can attack without moving by holding the SHIFT key. "
"TIP010","Press the ALT key to see the names of the loot drops on the ground."
"TIP011","Press the V key to show or hide enemy health bars."
"TIP012","Demon Hunters can dual wield one-handed crossbows."
"TIP013","Some skills require specific weapon types. \nCheck the tooltips to be sure."
"TIP014","Click on another player��s banner to teleport to that player��s current location."
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"TIP015","Monsters, treasure, and terrain randomly change whenever players enter the game."
"TIP016","Fight longer! Buy health potions from vendors like the bartender at the Slaughtered Calf Inn."
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"TIP017","All heroes start with a primary weapon attack that can be replaced by a special attack as they level up."
"TIP018","The health potion��s position on the Action Bar can be changed by opening the Options menu, choosing Gameplay, and enabling Elective Mode."
"TIP019","Crafting the same item multiples times may yield better results. \nEvery crafted item is different."
"TIP020","Vendors sell many different items. \nVisit them all to see what they have in stock."
"TIP021","Choose the Open to Friends option in the Game Privacy menu to allow friends to join your games without requesting invites."
"TIP022","Banners can be customized in the Main Menu. \nNew components will become available the more you play!"
"TIP023","Higher difficulty modes are available in the Change Quest menu once they are unlocked."
"TIP024","Defeating Normal mode will unlock the next difficulty setting, Nightmare."
"TIP025","Finishing the game in Normal mode will unlock Hardcore mode, where death is permanent."
"TIP026","New weapons, armor, and challenges can be found in the higher difficulty settings. "
"TIP027","Click on treasure chests and weapon racks with blue highlights for special rewards."
"TIP028","Health globes will heal every player in a party."
"TIP029","There is no cow level."
"TIP030","Choosing the Open to Friends option in Party Settings will notify friends about your game when they come online. "
"TIP031","Resurrect fallen allies by clicking on their corpses."
"TIP032","Change the properties of hotkeys with the Key Bindings settings in the Options menu."
"TIP033","Press the J key to open the Quest Log and get details about current quest steps."
"TIP034","Run over gold to pick it up. \nNo clicking needed!"
"TIP035","Press the D key to show or hide all players�� health bars."
"TIP036","Listen up! Lore books can be replayed through their tab in the Quest Log."
"TIP037","Hold the left mouse button on open ground to move without engaging enemies."
"TIP038","Hold the right mouse button on open ground to move while out of combat."
"TIP039","Demon Hunters can equip a quiver with any ranged weapon."
"TIP040","Hold the right mouse button while in combat to automatically use the attack skill that is mapped to that button."
"TIP041","Hold the CTRL key while reading a skill tooltip in order to see more detailed information."
"TIP042","Share the wealth! If players drop items from their Inventory, anyone in the party will be able to take it."
"TIP043","Customize the Action Bar by opening the Options menu, choosing Gameplay, and enabling Elective Mode."
"TIP044","Defeating Nightmare difficulty will unlock Hell mode."
"TIP045","Defeating Hell mode will unlock the ultimate difficulty mode, Inferno."
"TIP046","Right-click on unidentified items to reveal their attributes and allow them to be equipped.","