��Ϸ���ƣ�Dark Salvation
��Ϸ���У�Mangled Eye Studios
��Ϸ������Mangled Eye Studios
2.�Ƽ���Daemon Tools���°����뾵��
���������ȡ��ǻ���Quake III �����������ֲ���ĵ�FPS������Ϸ����ҽ�����һ�������ˣ�̽�����صĵ������磬��Ϸ�н�������������������Լ������ؿ�����Ϸ�ֲ���ʮ�㣬���ǻ���Ƚ��Ͼɣ�
Minimum System Requirements: 3D graphics accelerator with full
OpenGL support, Pentium II 233 MHz or AMD 350 MHz K6-2
processor or Athlon processor, 512 MB RAM, 128 MB video card,
1400 MB of free hard drive space, 100% DirectX 3.0 or higher
compatible sound card, DVD-ROM drive (600 kB/s sustained
transfer rate) Windows 2000, XP, Vista and 7 compatible.