�������ƣ�������� Ӣ�����ƣ�Bionic Commando ����ʱ�䣺2009��07��19�� ��Ϸ���ͣ���� ��Ϸ���ԣ�Ӣ�� �������̣�Capcom ���г��̣�Capcom ����װ˵���� 1. ��ѹ 2. �����µ�dt pro ide drive���뾵�� 3. ʹ��DTE tool 4. ������Ϸ ���£��ƽⲹ���ų�
����Ϸ���ܡ� �����Լ���װ����,20��ĵȴ��Ѿ�����,7�·ݡ�ϣħ�������һ�λص�PC WINDOWƽ̨.�����1988��FCԭ��ĵ�һ����������.Bionic��������������ǿ���Nathan "R.A.D." Spencer�Ѿ�����,ʱ���Spencer��˵�����ʴ�:�Դ���Ϊ�۹�ȡ��Ӣ��ʽ��ʤ���������,����������Ч�ҵĵ۹�������,��Ϊ��������������������Ͷ������,�����д�����.��Spencer���̵���һ��,�ֲ�������Ascension�б�ը��һ�Ŵ��ģ����������,������ǿ�ҵĵ���,�����б���˷���,�����˳����������,�������з���ĵ��κ��Ѿ����벻���Ŀ�ĵĿֲ��������еķ��ո�դ,FSAֻʣ��һ��ѡ��,һ�δӺ���Ľ���,����Bionic�������ó��Ĺ����� ������Ҫ�� Minimum: * Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® (service pack is optional, the game can run with no SP) * Processor: Dual-core processor (Intel® Core™2 Duo 2.4 GHz or AMD Athlon™ X2 5200+ 2.6 GHz) * Memory: 1.5 GB RAM * Video Card: DirectX®9.0c/Shader3.0 compatible, VRAM 512 MB (NVIDIA® GeForce® 7800 series or ATI Radeon™ X1900) * Sound Card: DirectX®9.0c compatible sound cards * Hard Disc Space: 8.0 GB free space * DVD Drive: DVD9 compatible drive (DVD DL) * Monitor: 800x600 * Input Devices: Mouse & Keyboard required (Recommended: Xbox 360® Controller for Windows®) * Multiplayer: Internet connection required for online play. Recommended: * Operating System: Microsoft® Windows® XP SP2 / Windows Vista® (service pack is optional, the game can run with no SP) * Processor: Intel Core 2 Quad 2.4 Ghz or AMD Phenom 9500 Quad Core and higher * Memory: 2.0 GB RAM or more * Video Card: Video Card: DirectX®10/Shader4.0 compatible, VRAM 512+ MB (NVIDIA® GeForce® 9800 GTX+ series or ATI Radeon™ HD 3800 series or higher) * Sound Card: DirectX®9.0c compatible sound cards * Hard Disc Space: 8.0 GB free space * DVD Drive: DVD9 compatible drive (DVD DL) * Monitor: 1280x700 or higher * Input Devices: Mouse & Keyboard required (Recommended: Xbox 360® Controller for Windows®) * Multiplayer: Internet connection required for online play