������7Сʱ֮ǰ��reddit�����˲ɷñ�ѩ¯ʯ����Eirc Dodds����Ҫ���ں�ʯɽ�¿��ƣ����鲩ʿ����������ҵ����⣬�����Ƿ�����ԭͼ��
����MB: So Dr. Boom is definitely not on the nerf list?
����ED: Absolutely not, but our more general philosophy is we're not really excited about changing anything.We don't want to change anything, and the only reason we'd change something is if we felt like this was really negatively impacting the overall experience for our players.
����(Eric Dodds���϶����ᣬ��Ϊ���ǵ���Ҫԭ���Ǻ�ϣ���ı��κζ�����ֻ�е�һ�ſ������Ǵ��������˷dz������Ӱ�죬���DzŻ��������ſ�)