Generally I stay out of these kindergarten antics�� since I find it unnecessary�� but I'd like to air my thoughts just a little bit here��
Truth be told there's no bad blood between me and Arteezy�� he's just a very talented teenager�� but a young mind�� changes his thoughts about who the bad apple is in the team every few weeks�� Well�� I was young and emotional at one time as well��
Really everything happened very quickly�� we lost and tried to find a scapegoat�� this time it was my turn�� I honestly dont blame him�� he's just very emotionally invested in Dota and especially TI�� so a knee-jerk reaction like this is no surprise�� If you follow his Twitter a bit you notice how emotional he can be�� it's pretty much his medium to process his thoughts and daily events/occurrences�� This generation������
However�� it's not easy being young and "world famous"�� so I'm asking for a little consideration for his behavior�� Add to that he's extremely ambitious�� TI is the yearly heart-breaker�� so in my opinion it's good to be patient�� Arteezy is an alright guy�� we were all teenagers once and we didn't always handle difficult situations well��
My performance was suboptimal in the last few games�� Arteezy being energetic as he is (oftentimes angry)�� has to channel/vent his emotions�� typically the teammates are the easiest target������ like in your average pub game�� And the relation between carry and support you all know as well�� it's the most vulnerable�� After the second game I told him that I checked the rune and that Storm picked up a convenient Haste rune�� which is why he got wound up�� I told him to relax�� but that typically just makes things worse for people on edge�� you lose control and it escalates��
I think because of me and his resentment towards me�� that he somehow managed to fit the puzzle pieces together in his head and came to a conclusion�� to each their own�� In a few months everything will be back to normal�� assuming he does a little reflecting on things�� I sincerely wish so for him�� because in my opinion he's one of the best Dota 2 players�� and the only thing holding him back is himself and his attitude towards the team�� Nothing is achieved by accusing people�� we won four tournaments in a row�� all eyes were on us�� our meta game was broken�� you win you lose�� just the way it goes in every sport�� Either you band together and solve the problems�� skill is not the problem�� as the results have proven thus far������ or you completely overreact��
After our elimination I've tried to discuss things with him for the following 3-4 days�� he ignored me and much rather�� as he often likes to do�� vented on the Internet�� I even asked Zai and 1437 to act as an intermediary�� but mister Babaev remained stubborn�� I think it's a shame�� because I actually enjoyed having him�� but yeah�� like I said I understand why he acts like this��
I'm not going to go mix myself further into this business/drama�� he's an Internet figure and I dont want to get sucked into the attention vortex surrounding him�� I'm simply not the type of person for that�� I wish him the best�� I hope he snaps to it and talks with me personally�� if he did then none of this would've been necessary��